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Choosing The Best Hardwood Floor For Dogs And Cats
Pets are the life of the house and keeping them the happiest is the number one priority of Wood Floor Installers INC. While striking a balance between the happiness of your furry friends and the wood floor one has to decide to choose the correct flooring. If you are a new homeowner and have a pet, the best decision would be to choose the hardwood floor according to it. It is obvious that a hardwood floor is a better choice than a carpeted floor any day. A carpet will trap all the allergens, dust, pet hair, etc that can be easily swept away on a hardwood floor. With a pet, accidents are nothing new, so the whole process of cleaning up the mess becomes a whole lot easier while on a hardwood floor. Choosing the perfect wood floor is important when you have a bigger pet because our tiny friends and ours can not cause damage to the surface. There are a few things that you should consider while choosing the floor.
Choose A Harder Wood
Hard maple or oak comes under the woods that are strong and can withstand damage. These are less susceptible to scratches than the softer woods. Thus, being a better option and making it pet-friendly hardwood floors serve the purpose the best. You can also choose the ones that have a stronger grain. This will help in hiding the scratches better and not ruin the look of the wooden floor. Redwood floors have the qualities of camouflaging scratches and blemishes.
Choose A Scratch-Proof Finish
You can ask your contractor more about this and get an in-depth solution to your problem. Unless you do not have a dog that is in a habit of scratching the floor you are fine with any other above-mentioned material. If that is not the case then you can simply get the floor laminated. The damage and the scratching that will be caused on the upper layer keep the wood beneath in perfect condition.
Keep The Color Light
Lighter colors tend to merge with scratches and hide them well. If you have cats or dogs they also do not make their hair show prominently. The option for a lighter shade can also make your room look spacious and sophisticated.
Keep The Claws Trim
Targeting the source can also solve a lot of problems. If your dog is not trained and keeps on scratching the surface trim their claws. This step will reduce the chances of them causing a lot of damage to the surface. While doing this make sure that you seek medical or a groomer’s assistance. Make sure that you do not cut through the sensitive part of the nail. Once trimmed your pooch can do and go about however it likes.
Your little or not-so-little pets are your family after all and catering to their needs is the top priority. By considering the above-mentioned points you can have the perfect flooring while keeping your pet the happiest. You can also contact our dedicated team of professionals to get an idea about other options. Do not hesitate to contact us for the best solution to your flooring problem.
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